


スポンジみたいな 発泡スチロールのような物で


朝7時の散歩も ご飯も 夕方の散歩も



7:00 AM ish - Feed Chip. We give Chip ½ a cup of Royal Canin dry food, mixed with a little bit of water. You will find a ¼ cup scoop in the food container. If Chip did not drink much during the day, or you think he is dehydrated, give him more water in his food.
7:30 AM ish- Walk Chip. (there is more on this later)
7:00 PM ish - Feed Chip again, It is the same as the morning feeding.
7:30 PM ish - Walk Chip
Anytime before bed - take Chip out for a short walk to go to the bathroom. He usually goes a couple houses down and then wants to go home.

You can walk Chip at anytime during the day, he is always very happy to go on a walk.

Tips コツ

When taking Chip out into the yard, keep him on his leash and harness at all times
Chip will dart out of doors, so if you have a fenced in yard, keep the fence closed or put him on his leash before you open the door. Chip is getting better at not darting out the door if you say stay. If Chip does run out the door, do NOT chase him, as this will make him think it is a game. Instead, wait with a treat and the leash, and have him touch.(more on touch later)
We recommend that you keep his leash somewhere near the door, so that you can easily put him on the leash.
We also recommend that you wipe his paws after a walk

Things That Chip Likes チップの好きなこと

Chip loves to chew on socks, so keep them away from him

Walks. 散歩

When taking Chip on walks, be careful of other dogs. Chip will sometimes bark at dogs,but he is mostly fine with other dogs. Tell him leave it loudly, and swipe you hand in front of his face. If he does not stop, you will need to spray him with the spray bottle we are giving you. Chip likes to run on walks, so if he starts tugging hard, that is why. Chip will try to chase squirrels, and sometimes birds. Chip will not go after cats.

Crate ハウス

Chip will sometimes go into his crate willingly, but sometimes you will have to pick him up and place him in. We usually put a couple of blankets and towels in his crate with him. We also place a few of toys in. Chip has a water bowl in his crate (it is the metal one) he sometimes knocks his bowl over. The crate is able to fold up, and comes with a handle and a divider. We will also give you the instructions. Chip will whine for about 5 min after being put in his crate, he will then quiet down, unless he hears a noise.We will put Chip in the crate if he misbehaves, doesn't listen, we are going somewhere, or we want him to sleep in the crate for the night.

Bed ベッド

If he is allowed Chip will walk around for a bit and then go to bed. (Chip usually sleeps with M) He will try to jump in your bed with you, if you.......以下省略


Chip knows how to sit (put your hand flat out in front of you and then swipe it up),down (have Chip sit, then bring your hand down and point to the floor in front of him), shake, (have Chip sit and then put your hand flat in front of his paw) leave it (put your foot in front of the thing you want him to leave, and then swipe your hand in front of his face.)
drop it (point to the ground) Touch,aka come (hold your hand out flat by your side,pointing you palm at Chip. You should hold your hand at his face level, If he does this properly, he will touch his nose to you palm, if he doesn't do this, don't give him a treat.)
Wait (hold.......以下省略

The difference between Wait and Stay 待てとステイの違い

Stay means you want Chip to stay where he is, and then come to you when 以下省略

Treats おやつ

Chip has 3 types of treats we give him*
Chicken jerky
Beef jerky
And Moist & chews (chicken and BBQ flavors) (these treats are also his favorites)

*we will sometimes give him different treats, and we will inform you if we do.

We will include all of these treats into a treat bag, all you have to do is break up a small piece off the treat, and give it to him After he has done something good

DO NOT GIVE CHIP HUMAN FOOD We do not allow Chip to have human food, so if you could not feed him any we would greatly appreciate this.

What we are giving you
We will be giving you
Chip’s crate
Chip’s food
Chip’s leash and harness
Chip’s be 以下 省略

Grooming/baths 毛づくろいとお風呂

Chip will not need any grooming or baths while he is with you, unless he rolls in something dirty. We are including a brush and shampoo with Chip. You can brush him whenever....以下省略

Chips personality. チップの性格

Chip is a smart, lazy, and stubborn dog. Chip knows when he has done something wrong, and he will go to his crate. Chip can sometimes be highly active and will dash around. He is also very curious.

Vet information 獣医のインフォ

If you happen to have Chip at the beginning of any month, please give him, 1 heartworm medicine (Heartgard) 以下省略


じいさ〜ん しっかりしてね

因みに第一夜 チップと寝ようと思ってベッドに乗せたら



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